This is a game I decided to make under 24 hours of working on it. (It was originally palnned in 24 hours, but in the meantime I partecipated in the GMTK Game Jam 2021, so I changed time restriction in this way)  

Every 15 seconds the ball enter in Crazy mode, and its center of mass is moved by a random number between -0,75 and 0,75 ( on the x and y axis). After 5 seconds the ball returns to normal and the timer restart.

Every 10 seconds the ball is "kicked" in a random direction.

P.S.: It's recommended full screen to play the game.

UPDATE: Version 1.1 avaiable now. 

-the ball should no longer get stuck bouncing only in vertical direction  and go away from the scene    (I hope)

-player movements improved

-added computer player so you can play solo

-added a classic mode where you have to get 10 goals to win 


Ping Pong 24 MB
Ping Pong 33 MB
Ping Pong Crazy.apk 20 MB
Ping Pong 162 MB

Install instructions

If you want to download the game, just download the .ZIP file and extract it. Then open the application file inside.

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